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Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

The Panther Press

Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

The Panther Press

Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

The Panther Press

Julia Gray '23

Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief

Julia Gray is a senior and the Editor-in-Chief of the Panther Press. When she is not working on the newspaper, she likes to dance, read, and play with her three dogs.
All content by Julia Gray ’23
Chew on this 

Chew on this 

Getting to the root of the story.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief
Jun 8, 2023
Fish Club and Asian Haven's poster promoting the movie screening fundraiser.

Three clubs hosting movie night to commemorate AAPI Month

Students explain the importance of celebrating Mental Health and AAPI Month.
ILLUSTRATION • The lines are blurry when it comes to mental health. Social media can connect and it can harm.

A Different Beast

Alarming CDC report shows increase in teen girl depression
Jordan Jinosko visits Strath Haven High school for the performance of their piece: Freya's Chariot

Composer Jordan Jinosko returns for spring instrumental concert

Composer Jordan Jinosko returns to watch a performance of “Three Sketches of Unblemished Earth.”
Julia Gray ’23, Editor in Chief
May 11, 2023

VIDEO: A fundraiser with heart

Ten contestants vied for the title of Haven’s Heartthrob in a Miss USA-like pageant. 
Black Widow spider placed on a dish, ready to be examined in Mr. Styer's room.

Students find black widow spider in cafeteria

Students’ encounter with the deadly spider offers a teachable moment for the school community.

VIDEO: International events celebrate student cultures

Events highlight diversity through cultural clothing, food, and performances.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor in Chief
Mar 29, 2023
Every Haven student creates something unique. Both inside and outside of school, students’ creations drive their innovation—they make business, art, tell stories, and so much more.

WE ASKED: How do you create?

Students describe the ways they stay creative.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 26, 2023
ILLUSTRATION: Student Press Law Center logo for Student Press Freedom Day 2023

Student journalism is real journalism

Student Press Freedom Day reminds us of the importance of authentic stories.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief
Feb 23, 2023

VIDEO: Black History Month Presentation celebrates Black resistance

Assembly featured contributions from students and community members.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-chief
Feb 2, 2023

VIDEO: Dance Haven showcases creativity, collaboration, and calamity

Student performances were simultaneously dynamic, hilarious, and poignant. 
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief
Dec 22, 2022
EDITORIAL: Students need cell service

EDITORIAL: Students need cell service

“No bars” should not be our reality in school.
Lockdown lifted, student concerns linger

Lockdown lifted, student concerns linger

The late morning lockdown on Dec. 8 lasted approximately 45 minutes, but student reactions to the experience continue to emerge.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-chief
Dec 8, 2022
The photograph included with this article in the original issue was intended to be a general representation of the student section. The photograph was used for illustrative purposes, and was not intended to single out any specific individuals.

Student section conduct evokes concern

District eyes social media guidelines for student-led accounts.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief
Nov 17, 2022
EDITORIAL: Keeping watch of student perspectives

EDITORIAL: Keeping watch of student perspectives

Our perspective on why student journalism matters 

VIDEO: MiniThon keeps the fun in fundraising with lip sync battle

MiniThon hosted an evening lip sync battle to raise money for Four Diamonds.
The Haven Volleyball team greets the Harriton team.

Volleyball hosts fundraiser to support cancer victims

JV and varsity teams chart wins while raising money for a good cause.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-Chief
Oct 13, 2022
Junior Joe Lynch huddles with his team before the game begins.

Positivity after a loss

The Ultimate Frisbee team starts off their season with a loss, but they are not disheartened.
Julia Gray ’23, Editor-in-chief
Oct 10, 2022

VIDEO: E-Hallpass comes to Strath Haven

The implementation of eHallpass is met with some student concern.
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Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School