EDITORIAL: Students should take holidays as an opportunity to connect with loved ones
Family traditions will create memories for the holidays that schoolwork can’t.

EDITORIAL: Not everything is about the numbers
Passion is just as important in a successful high school career.

EDITORIAL: Teachers are fighting for all of us
The teachers’ union has been involved in contract negotiations with the district. Not only are they fighting for themselves – they’re fighting for us.

EDITORIAL: From blank boxes to graduation gowns
We commend the senior class of 2024 for their perseverance.

EDITORIAL: Consider cost before prestige
Rising tuition fees and growing elitism are dangerous to students applying to college.

EDITORIAL: In an age of mistrust, accurate reporting shines
A meta topic for this month’s editorial: student journalism.

EDITORIAL: Student art is just as important as trophies
Strath Haven needs a better system to get student art on the walls.

EDITORIAL: 22-year-old homework policy needs revision
Students, teachers, and parents debate homework constantly. If it’s so debated, why don’t we strive to connect staff and students in a unified vision?

EDITORIAL: Students are not alone
Strath Haven staff have helped students overcome the challenge of the new school year.

EDITORIAL: Stories over statistics
We’re not publishing a college map this year, because your stories matter more than an infographic.

EDITORIAL: Reconsider Sexual Education at Strath Haven
In light of increasing sexual-related incidents nationally, Strath Haven should rethink support for students.

EDITORIAL: Let’s work to make every Haven student involved
As students continue to showcase their extracurricular talents, we need to ensure that all students can engage in their community.

Relay for Life Finishes Run at Haven with Successful 2019 Event
Laughs were shared and tears were shed during the school's emotional last Relay for Life.