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Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

Panther Press

Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

Panther Press

Panther Playlist

Return of OG Fortnite invokes enthusiasm among community of gamers

Fortnite’s original version is back, and some students are hopping back onto its battle bus.

Fortnite logged 102 million hours of play on Saturday, November 4, just a day after its original version was re-released, as posted in a statement by Fortnite’s official X account.

Due to several factors, Fortnite decided to re-launch its original version on Friday, November 3. The recently released version offers the same game maps, weapons, and vehicles of Fortnite’s Chapter 1, Season 5, according to CNN Business.

Various students have been passionate about playing the game, preferring this older version and enjoying its nostalgia. But, why is this, and how do people feel about the return of the renowned video game?

For many, the new update encouraged previous players to log back onto the game, giving them an excuse to play the game, as well as revisit and enjoy a pastime from years ago.

“I hadn’t played Fortnite much in a couple of months until the return of OG Fortnite, and it was really a great time getting on with all of my friends, who I hadn’t played Fortnite with in a while,” senior Gabriel Ball said. “I recognized the old map, and even though I hadn’t played on it for months and months and years, I still knew my way around, knew all the places to land, and it was a great time.”

This nostalgia brings back the feelings of a simpler time, when the game was first popular and just a straightforward game to enjoy with friends. The original version of Fortnite— Fortnite Battle Royale— was released in 2017.

“In middle school, I actually didn’t have an Xbox and didn’t have Fortnite personally, but I just remember going over to my friend’s house and playing with them there,” Ball said. “It was always a lot of fun, something I looked forward to, so the nostalgia was really there. I think it was sixth and seventh grade when Fortnite was most popular.”

One thing that is for sure, is that Fortnite’s original version brings a sense of comfort to many, as players hadn’t specifically been fans of the new updates.

“The reason people are so excited over OG Fortnite is that it was a much simpler game at the time, and though Epic Games has been trying to move their game forward, people haven’t really been liking the updates because the game is becoming too complicated,” sophomore Jamal Huff said.

To come back from the fall in popularity, Epic Games took advantage of the remembrance, bringing back the beloved game that it once was.

“OG Fortnite, it just alleviates stress, allows you to play with your friends, and communicate with other people in a way that’s not like school.”

— Jamal Huff '26

“Over time, people got really good at the game, and they thought that if OG Fortnite came back, that it would fix all these problems,” Huff said. “Epic Games decided to fill the kids that play Fortnite up with great content by releasing OG Fortnite because everything the Epic Community has wanted was OG Fortnite.”

Not just comfort, but this excitement over gameplay allows for genuine benefits for Fortnite’s eager community, Huff and freshman Darryl Clark agree on this.

“It taught me how to be more hand-eye coordinated,” Clark said.

Additionally, this pastime allows for players to communicate in a laid-back manner, which can be stress-relieving and positive.

“OG Fortnite, it just alleviates stress, allows you to play with your friends, and communicate with other people in a way that’s not like school,” Huff said.

As the return of Fortnite OG has created intense enthusiasm among veteran players, the excitement over the game still aims to draw in new players.

“If you don’t play Fortnite, you better get on Fortnite right now,” Clark said.

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About the Contributors
Lavanya Dixit '27
Lavanya Dixit '27, Reporter
Lavanya Dixit is a freshman at Strath Haven High School. She enjoys writing, doing karate, art, watching movies, and listening to music. She loves to spend time with her friends and family, specifically her younger brother.
Claire Salera '27
Claire Salera '27, Reporter
Claire is a freshman here at Strath Haven. She has enjoyed writing for as long as she can remember, often writing in her free time. At Strath Haven, Claire is an active member of the danceline, tennis team, and dance haven. She is super excited to be a part of the Panther Press staff this year, and to be able to share her love of writing with the student body.
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