EDITORIAL: A total phone ban is not a viable solution
You don't know what phones are really like at the high school if you're not a student.

EDITORIAL: Students need space during fifth block
The library and cafeteria should not be the only places that allow students to gather daily.

EDITORIAL: Students should take holidays as an opportunity to connect with loved ones
Family traditions will create memories for the holidays that schoolwork can’t.

EDITORIAL: Not everything is about the numbers
Passion is just as important in a successful high school career.

EDITORIAL: Teachers are fighting for all of us
The teachers’ union has been involved in contract negotiations with the district. Not only are they fighting for themselves – they’re fighting for us.

EDITORIAL: From blank boxes to graduation gowns
We commend the senior class of 2024 for their perseverance.

EDITORIAL: Consider cost before prestige
Rising tuition fees and growing elitism are dangerous to students applying to college.

EDITORIAL: In an age of mistrust, accurate reporting shines
A meta topic for this month’s editorial: student journalism.

EDITORIAL: Student art is just as important as trophies
Strath Haven needs a better system to get student art on the walls.

EDITORIAL: 22-year-old homework policy needs revision
Students, teachers, and parents debate homework constantly. If it’s so debated, why don’t we strive to connect staff and students in a unified vision?

EDITORIAL: Students are not alone
Strath Haven staff have helped students overcome the challenge of the new school year.

EDITORIAL: Stories over statistics
We’re not publishing a college map this year, because your stories matter more than an infographic.