Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

Panther Press

Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

Panther Press

Student newspaper of Strath Haven High School

Panther Press

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Where are you working this summer?

Students are utilizing their free time in the summer to make money and gain career experience.
Where are you working this summer?
Lane Harrington 27
Lane Harrington '27

“I work at Scooped in Media, and I will be a lifeguard at the Strath Haven Condominium. I want to work two jobs, so that I can make money, and eventually buy a car.”

Emily Reilly 25
Emily Reilly '25

“I am a beach guard for Sea Isle City Beach Patrol. Basically, my job is just to watch the water and make sure that everyone knows what they are doing, and the right way that they should be doing it. So, when people are out in the water, we just have to keep them away from any dangers that could be out there.”

Elizabeth Coyle 26
Elizabeth Coyle '26

*”[I am working at] Camp Huckins, it’s in Freedom, New Hampshire. I really liked the environment there, and I like that it’s far away from here. I’ve gone to camp there for five years.”

Cormac Tracy 25
Cormac Tracy '25

“[I am working at] the Penn Tennis Camp in Philadelphia. I am a summer camp counselor, so that means I watch over them [the campers], take them to get lunch, and teach them tennis throughout the day. I like money. Also, I’m good with kids, and I play tennis pretty well. This is my third year doing it.”

Sophia Tsetseni 26
Sophia Tsetseni '26

“[I’m a server] at Lima Estates. I basically serve them [the residents] dinner from 4:30-ish to 6:45 on school days. 3:45 is actually when we’re supposed to go to work over the summer until closing, which is 7:30-7:45 usually, but it can go later. I wanted to work and Lilah Santore found this place, Lima, that she was going to apply to, and we’re like ‘Oh, let’s all work together, that would be fun. So we all applied, and we all got the job.’"

Olivia Heisey-Terrell 25
Olivia Heisey-Terrell '25

“I am working at the Paul, Flandreau & Berger law firm in Media. I’m a pretty basic level intern. There’s me and a few other high school students that are in charge of regular filing, shredding, taking the mail out, dropping things off at the courthouse, like a bunch of menial tasks, but it also lets us see the ins and outs of the law. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up, that’s the plan right now, so I think getting as close to it as possible is really good, especially since I’m young.”

Catherine Caruso 24
Catherine Caruso '24

“I’m going to work at a summer camp for kids. It’s half-day, 9-12. I really like kids, and I babysit a lot. This is money, but in a fun way!”

Ryan Schofield 27
Ryan Schofield '27

“I’m working at the snack bar this summer at Wallingford Swim and Racquet Club, because I want money. It’s a good way for me to get job experience, which I’ll need later on in life. I really like the food.”

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About the Contributors
Claire Salera '27
Claire Salera '27, Reporter
Claire is a freshman here at Strath Haven. She has enjoyed writing for as long as she can remember, often writing in her free time. At Strath Haven, Claire is an active member of the danceline, tennis team, and dance haven. She is super excited to be a part of the Panther Press staff this year, and to be able to share her love of writing with the student body.
Mia Fagone '26
Mia Fagone '26, Contributor
Mia is a sophomore at Strath Haven and a contributor to the Panther Press. This is her first year on staff and she hopes to write some interesting stories. In her free time, she enjoys reading, listening to music, and learning new songs to play on her guitar.
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