Mr. Matthew Morris, English
Newest English teacher adjusts to the block schedule and plans for a great rest of the school year.
A man with little hair on his head, black rectangle-framed glasses, and a well-trimmed beard strolled into Room PTE on Sept. 27, 2022, pushing a black-wheeled cart filled with papers and writing utensils. His students anticipated his arrival, watching him curiously as he stopped to finally look at his new class for the first time.
Newest of the new, Mr. Matthew Morris arrived at Strath Haven High School after being held back for a few weeks at Sun Valley High School, the school where he previously taught English. He came into school knowing that it’d be a confusing first few days, especially with trying to stay in tune with the sub’s plans. Before his arrival, students were taught by different substitutes and sometimes other English teachers to fill in for his absence.
“It was tough. That was probably the hardest part… not getting to start the year with everyone and being like ‘okay, this is how we do things in class’ and like ‘this is me’ and just getting used to picking up where the subs left off,” Morris said.
However, despite arriving late, the staff welcomed him warmly into the Haven environment.
“It was wonderful to get to meet everyone, and I feel like the teachers and students were very welcoming, and everyone really helped me learn my way around,” he said.
Morris started getting involved with the school community, and he now advises the GSA club.
“I think it’s going to go great,” Morris said, “We had our first meeting yesterday (10/17), and it was really well-attended and seems like a lot of fun. It was great to meet everyone who’s involved with the club.”
As Morris continued to get adjusted to the new schedule at Strath Haven, he noticed it was much different to plan a block instead of a period and to be teaching fewer classes than when he was at Sun Valley.
“It’s more manageable in terms of keeping up with emails from students and getting to know everyone. It’s just a lot easier to get to know three classes than five,” he said.
Even though life at the high school is busy, and there isn’t much time to get to hang out and have fun with the other teachers, Morris is excited to bond with all the staff.
“Everyone in the English department has been really great,” Morris said. “I’m looking forward to getting to meet people that are in other departments, as we have more time to do stuff together.”