For this publication’s regular feature of the Critter Corner, freshman Adeline Constable talks about her special bond with her four pets.
What are your pets’ names?
My cats are named Pockets and Buttons; there’s one girl and one boy. My dogs are named Colonel Basher and Evie.
How long have you had them?
I got my cats three years ago, Evie two years ago, and I got Colonel Basher this year in August.
How does a day in your life look with all your pets?
The cats are chill. They like to bite me and play, but they’re pretty chill. My dogs, well, they wrestle a lot. Both of them are still pretty young, so it’s a lot of separating them and making sure they aren’t eating everyone. They are pit bulls, so they can be very aggressive, but they’re adorable. I will walk them or feed them sometimes, along with my dad, who does the same. I have a younger sister; she doesn’t do much, but my parents definitely help.
What is your favorite thing to do with them?
My cats, I love to play with them. They lay on my chest and I pet them, they’re really calming. For my dogs, I love taking them on walks. Especially at the end of the day, it’s just really calming.
What are some of your favorite memories with your pets?
My cat, one of them, is so fat. His name is Pockets but me and my friends will call him Fattie. We’ll get them treats to get out of rooms and I’ve never seen him run so fast. He’s like the laziest cat and all the sudden he sprints towards any food he hears or sees. My dog, I don’t know if she means to but she will smile sometimes and it’s the cutest thing ever.
Want to feature your pet in the next edition of Critter Corner? Stretch your paw out to [email protected]!