For this publication’s regular feature of the Critter Corner, sophomore Kay Liberi and senior Ella Liberi talk about their bond with their dog.
Q. What’s your pet’s name?
A. Our dog’s name is Gus. He is a French bulldog-pug mix.
Q. How long have you had him?
A. Gus is 2 years old and we’ve had him for about a year and a half. We had a dog for 16 years before we got Gus and
her name was Nestle. She was the best. A couple of years after Nestle passed, we got Gus.
Q. How did you get him?
A. We were at a softball tournament, actually, and someone had adoptable dogs and the puppy Gus was just so cute so my parents caved while we were there. Kay actually wasn’t there, we just brought Gus home to Kay. I remember FaceTiming her saying “Do you want this dog?” while I was holding Gus. It was so funny.
Q. What is your favorite thing to do with Gus?
A. He loves to play outside, and he loves to catch. Even though he can’t catch anything, he still loves it. He loves walks and nature, and he loves to bark at squirrels a lot, as well. We like to say he’s my mom’s dog. He loves my mom more than anything so they’re always together. He loves to roughhouse with us, though.
Q. How would you describe your bond with him?
A. I sit in class every day and I just go “Why can’t my dog be here?” That’s my mentality. I’d be so much happier if my dog was here in math class, in my independent study. (Ella)
I think he’s really cute and he’s really nice. Sometimes he gets a little mean and he snaps at us, but I look forward to seeing him every day and he’s always there for me. (Kay)
Want to feature your pet in the next edition of Critter Corner? Stretch your paw out to [email protected]!