Starting this year, the Panther Press has decided to add The Critter Corner, where pets at Strath Haven are featured.
Q. What’s your pet’s name?
A. Asparagus, but his name for short is Gus.
Q. How did you come up with his name?
A. I don’t know. I just wanted something silly, but also serious. I like the idea of having a nickname for my pet.
Q. How old is Gus?
A. He is just over a year old.
Q. Can you tell me something interesting about Gus?
A. He just got to 3 feet long, but he’s supposed to be about 5 feet. And, also, they live for 15 to 20 years.
Q. What led you to wanting a snake as a pet?
A. I used to be scared of snakes, and then one day I was like, wait, these are really cool. And then, I got on SnakeTok and I was like, “Wait, I want one!”
Q. How’s the bond between you and your pet?
A. Honestly, I don’t really think my snake knows who I am or that he likes me, but he knows that I feed him so I think he puts up with me because of that.
Q. What’s Gus’ favorite food?
A. Right now he’s eating mice. That’s the only food I’ve given him, so that’s probably his favorite food.
Q. Finally, what do you love most about Gus?
A. He’s really weird and sometimes when he’s slithering around I’ll just look at him and be like, “What point in evolution got you to where you are?” Like, why did it evolve like this? Why does it look like that? I don’t know.
Want to feature your pet in the next edition of Critter Corner? Stretch your paw out to [email protected]!