“The Anthropocene Reviewed,” written by John Green, is a nonfiction novel but it still paints a beautiful picture of who John Green is.
Each chapter of this book covers some topic and talks about anything from the internet to Canada geese. Yet somehow John Green writes each chapter in such a way that it feels way more personal than a lot of memoirs. It really shows all the little pieces that can make up a person. With the amazing storytelling also comes a lot of fun facts which were more interesting and engaging than I thought. I now feel very prepared to have a discussion about the creation of Monopoly and the soccer player Jerzy Dudek.
This book also provides meaningful commentary on mental health and what it means to be human. This book both sent me into an existential crisis but also made me believe that life gets better. There were some chapters that I didn’t love but the ones that I did made up for it.
This novel is worth the read, and a very good book to read to take a break in between novels since there is a little story each chapter that doesn’t rely on you reading the previous ones. Sometimes reflecting on others makes you reflect on yourself. This book definitely made me do both.